Frank Kokori: The Struggle for June 12

Frank Kokori: The Struggle for June 12

Author: Frank Kokori

ISBN: 9789788431657

Category: Biography and Autobiography

Publisher: Safari Books, Nigeria

Length: 390

Year of Publication: 2014

Illustrations: No Illustrations

Dimensions: 234 x 156mm


Kokori: The Struggle for June 12 is the candid account of Chief Frank Kokori, former General Secretary of The Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG). It details the roles he and other individuals played in the quest to re-validate the June 12, 1993 presidential election, which was annulled by Gen. Ibrahim Babangida. The book details, in depth, the events before, during and after the election, up until the incarceration of Chief Kokori as well as the political fall-out which followed.